Blackboards are subject to considerable stress in the school environment. The resulting wear and tear as well as loosening of connecting elements can lead to the failure of essential functional parts. Misuse by pupils can also damage writing surfaces and supporting elements. As a result, serious accidents are possible due to falling boards or board parts. Blackboards must therefore be regularly maintained, checked and repaired. (Quote: German statutory accident insurance (DGUV))
KROmedia is your partner for
- long-term maintenance contracts
- extensive product knowledge of all manufacturers
- a large spare parts warehouse and in-house spare parts production
- Planning, conversion, retrofitting and repairs (mechanical, electrical, interactive)
Your requirements for KROmedia
- Wall boards with/without folding boards
- Stand boards with/without folding boards
- Movable folding inclined panels
- Boards of all kinds
- Interactive board systems
- Projector mounts and ceiling lifts
- Picture walls
Quality guarantee for our services
As an authorised specialist company, we guarantee the quality of our services, in particular the safety checks we carry out. In contrast to many other suppliers, we do not only certify the functionality of the panel system at the time of the test, but we also guarantee the long-term safe operation of the systems during the safety checks we carry out regularly.
Our recommendation
Have your boards checked annually!
Safety check according to DGUV Information 202-021 “Safe blackboards” / GUV-SI 8016 give you security
- under accident cover
- in the use of your panel systems
- they protect you from unexpected major investments
Who can use this nationwide service of KROmedia?
School offices, school administrations, schools of all kinds, vocational schools and further education institutions, training centres for industry, administration, banks and insurance companies, universities, technical colleges and universities of applied sciences, training academies, hotels, congress and event centres, accident prevention